

Cosmetic dermatologists are medical doctors who have sought additional training in dermatology in order to assess and treat skin conditions cosmetically. Their skill sets include such procedures as Botox, collagen injections, chemical peels, dermabrasion, laser surgery and liposuction.

Our Dermatology services are provided by Doctora Karina Collado, and are available on weekends only.

  • Mesotherapy $300

    Mesotherapy strengthens elastin fibers, stimulates collagen production, and fights free radicals. Loose skin appears firmer and looks younger and healthier, fine lines will be reduced and skin will “glow” as a result of Mesotherapy treatments.

  • Botox Treatment $400 per area
  • Hyaluronic Acid Injections $400 – $440

    Fillers Rellenos c/ Acido Hialuronico

  • General Consult $95

    Dermatological services by Dra. Karina Collado / Consulta General Dermatológica. Available on weekends only / Solo los fines de semana).

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